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‘West to East Adventure 2024’ - Dimboola to Greenock

Kylea Harvey

A combo of the comedown from spending time with family & friends, the fact I’m now on the homeward bound end of my journey & the lack of sunshine had me slip into a bit of a funk yesterday. Today, however, the sun is shining, I’ve picked myself up, remembered I still have 10 days of adventure ahead of me & my heads back in the game!!!!

Mostly I love solo travel - choosing my own adventure, timeframe & tunes to crank, - but I do look forward to the day when I have a travel buddy to share the joy of discovering new places with- & by travel buddy, I mean one that’s not rolling in duck shit at every opportunity 😂 I love you Hazel but.. REALLY‽‽ 🙄🤪 That girl seems to have hit the mother load this week.

Anywhoooo… todays duck shit roll was brought to us by a big long walk along the river where I wore actual walking shoes & got my heart rate up before cleaning up both the bus & myself after feeling (& looking) pretty rough yesterday 😆

I decided to wear my ‘uncomfortable’ jeans today (which surprisingly still fit) as a reminder to lay off the chocolate & hedgehog slice (Maxibons are still totally acceptable & a big part of this journey) & with jeans unbuttoned… we hit the road!!!

My bladder decided a stop at Nhill (prounouced Nee-ill) was on the cards. I made my own version of a dirty chai in Beryl & with the sun shining, we took a walk up the main street. The entry to the local pharmacy was particularly spectacular.

I’ve said it before, but the Victorian roads really are SHIT!!! I swear if I wasn’t holding on to a stearing wheel & with my own foot on the accelerator, I would’ve thought I was on a boat, the roads are that wavey 🤪 I almost got seasick (& airborne a couple of times 😬) Pre-suspension upgrade Beryl would’ve struggled big time!

I had a ‘future’ wee on a timezone change. 11am loo stop to then drive away & have the clock change to 10.30 as I crossed the Victorian/South Australian border 😆

With the roads almost immediately improving, we made a couple of stops to check out more silo art in Coonalpyn & a rather underwhelming rhino at Tailem Bend (the walk down to the river made up for the stop)

It was a two fuel stop journey today which meant it was also a 2 maxibon day.

Hazel, having sniffed herself into a coma, slept nearly all the way, but as we made our way into the Barossa Valley, the hills & windy roads might’ve had her feeling a bit off towards the end.

Arriving at our camp spot around 3.30, we found the levelest bit of ground we could, set up & then went for a wander into town. By the time we got back, our fairly open area was surrounded by other caravans 🤪

Greenock is such a pretty little town. I love the old stone buildings & tree lined streets. And it’s got the cutest little brewery. Wandering the town was a great way to end the day before heading back to ‘camp sardines’ where we ended up with a rather zealous puppy invite himself in & quite frankly gave Hazel the shits 😆

All in all a good day was had with Kylea’s workout tunes blasting as an upbeat tempo was the vibe of the day. Admittedly I think this playlist needs an overhaul & it’s clear it’s been a long time since I’ve been to the gym 🤪😆


Distance covered - 5016km

Fuel cost - $1411.00

Camp fees - $121.46

Repairs - $829.62

Maxibons eaten - 18

Incense cones burnt - 83



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