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‘West to East Adventure 2024’ - Fullerville to Hogwash Bend (SA)

Kylea Harvey

One day your being asked if you have seniors card, the next being told you don’t look old enough to have a 27 year old son (PS I also have a 32 year old son). Guess who my favourite camp host is??? Thanks Abbys mum (aka Bev 😂)

I’m pinching myself at how the universe landed me in such a beautiful spot, getting to spend an evening & morning enjoying connected chats with humans living their best & most aligned lives.

I met Bevs friend Sandy who has a caravan parked at Bevs property which she uses as a base camp whilst living her best nomadic life. At 78, Sandy is one serious powerhouse of a woman & yet has such a gentle energy. She shared stories of her life, breaking thru fear, leaning into polarities, embracing the ‘flip’, the downloads she’d received this morning from her higher being & every word was exactly what I needed to hear in that moment. She also spoke of her indigenous ancestors and grandmother crow 😳 {insert flashback to crow-gate of Thursday) I very sheepishly shared that I’d hit a crow in the bus to which she exclaimed was a very good sign. (I did fail to fill her in on the WHOLE story of Morg & the hammer. I wonder if it would still be considered a good sign.)

After a walk with Abby & Hazel, I had a shower, packed up, bid farewell to Abby & Bev & hit the road.

The drive (complete with my Kylea relives her 80’s/90’s/naughties prime playlist again) taking us past rolling green hills, bright yellow canola fields & then into the stark dryness of the scrub. Roadkill was high on this leg (none of which was mine this time) & included many Roos, a couple of foxes (neither of which made me feel sad)… but seeing a wombat did. RIP Fatso (yes I’m old enough to remember A Country Practice 🤪 even though I’m not yet seniors card old 😆)

Abby had mentioned we might need to hop on the ferry to get to my destination today which kinda freaked me out so I found an alternative route. But upon stopping for lunch & a wander at Morgan (where the ferry crossed) I realised we’d get on it with no worries at all so did exactly that & cut an hour off today’s trip and Beryl has had her first boat ride 😁

Upon arriving at tonight’s campsite I noticed one of my front tyres looks pretty dodgey.

Sent pic to my friend back home with a message “I don’t think this tyre looks flash. Whatcha reckon?”

Reply - “If you’re in a position to put a new pair on I would.”

My response - “FUCK!!!”

Reply - “It’s ok don’t panic.”

My response - “Too late 😂😂😂”

I’m going to pray the rubber gods shine on me as I take an easy drive to Mildura tomorrow where I’ll stay for a couple nights & get it sorted. Pray for me please 🙏

I’ve managed to get a couple of newsletters out for clients this arvo & now it’s time to chill out & take in the views of the beautiful Murray River in amongst the quintessential Aussie bush.

FYI - the maxibon situation over here is dismal 😭😭😭


Distance covered - 2849km

Fuel cost - $815.63

Camp fees - $30

Maxibons eaten - 5

Incense cones burnt - 27



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